Please feel free to take a gander at the website. We don't officially launch until January 13, 2012 (yes, that is Friday the 13th!), but in the meantime you are welcome to take a look at what we currently have available. Just remember that we are constantly adding more and more material as it gets closer to opening day.
So, once we're up and running, what can you expect to find here? The answer is quite simple, really. We hope to provide you, our fellow fans of horror, with the latest news and spoilers for our favorite television shows, book series, and future movie releases. We will also be posting weekly 'Movie Night' reviews of current and classic cult horror films you may or may not have heard of before. We also hope to be able to post 'Opening Weekend' reviews on horror films that have just been released in theatres. But this, I can only hope you understand, is dependent upon having the availability and financial freedom to attend such screenings. We will also be updating with 'Spotlight' posts, in which we will draw attention upon varying issues and themes found within the horror genre. And finally, we will be posting our 'Monthly Book Review', in which we'll provide you with our opinions on horror in literature.
We just have a few rules by which we hope you can abide. Currently, we are open to comments and input from every reader (including those of you who wish to keep anonymous). Please be respectful of other people. We will not tolerate any flaming arrows. Heated debates are okay (and even encouraged), but name calling is not. Please always remember that despite what stereotypes may exist about the 'image' of the horror fan, we are not all the same. We want you to know that each and every one of your thoughts and opinions are valuable, but they are solely your own. So, when posting comments, I urge you to keep in mind that you do not speak for the general population as a whole.
If there is anything you'd like to see on this site (or if we are currently lacking information about a book, television series, or movie you'd like to read about), then please let us know. We are open to your thoughts and opinions, and encourage you to contribute by telling us what you'd like to see on our blog.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
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